IT show
At Suntec Hall 402
As Promoter of Dell / Songs Brother
4 days of new experiences, met new people, amazing people :)
4 days talking with ah neh beats the amount of time i talk to ah neh
in 19 years of my life. lol
Learned a lot a lot about sales, how to deal with customer, ah neh especially..
Like the job very much, suitable for me as i like to interact with people.
Overall 4 days, got $20 taka voucher and 16gb thumbdrive as incentive. haha
Thursday, friday and saturday sales not very good, which leads to sunday target
130 set of PC to be sold.
However with all the amazing promoter of Dell + Songs brother, we managed to hit the
target of 130, in fact way beyond it. 170 ++ :))
These are the people.. + rebecca which is not in the photo.. hahaha

After last day of work, went to kallang 24/7 mac with Roger, Eugene Lim, Zhiwei, Angie, Lex for supper! after that
Roger drive us down to a place.. no idea where is it to chill, look at scenery

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