Instead of keep referring this group of people to the past IT show company,
I shall classify them under the group "The Steady Mania" lol
okay thats
25th March Sunday
Met rebecca at 1.30pm ++ at mountbatten mrt then walk to old airport road to
find zhiwei and eugeneLim,
The main Purpose: To intro lao ban dou hua to eugeneL and rebecca, glad that they like it :)
Meal of the day : Wonton noodle, otah, lao ban beancurd, 51 beancurd, ice kachang
After eating, went to Singaporepools nearby, just nice 4 of us..each say one number and according to the age, we arrange the number and buy... well.. should know.. the number never open.. else will had post about it already..hahaha
3pm ++
Ended to The cathay to buy movie tickets for
The hunger game - 8pm
after bought the tickets, Lex joined us, and bring us to the pancake beside the playnation there, damn suay, the timing is not right, it's break time.
no choice, walked down to rochor beancurd to slack at the 2nd floor,
talk cock, play cards..
Learned a new card game called Asshole Dai Dee. lol
It's far more interesting than normal Dai Dee.
Angie joined us, Went The Cathay Basement for dinner,
New York Pizza Curry Rice,
Quality is good but not quanlity. Overall not bad. :D
8pm +
The Hunger Game! 2 Hours and 20mins movie, rating for it will be 3.5 stars.
10pm +
End of movie, just the start of the actual activity of the day :)
All 6 of us cabbed down to holiday inn to buy one bottle of chivas 12 years.
Headed to Henderson Wave to drink.
Going up really take up a lot of energy sia...
But once u reached up there, feeling of the breeze makes everything worth it.
Time to drink!
Game played,
Hi jack, and the guess the next card up or down, Indian Poker. lol
Hi jack
Card 1 to 5 - Black, Ownself drink
Card 1 to 5 - Red, ask sonmeone to drink
Card 6 - U can choose someone to mate/chain with. Means if he drinks, the person being mate/chain with need to drink also.
Card 7 - Seven Up
Card 8 - Action card
Card 9 - Question card
Card 10 - Change Rule
Card J - Hi Jack
Card Q - Hi Bitch
Card K - Kings cup
That night really tio ganged, especially by the zhiwei, donno why like only he get card 6, then keep on mate me.. lol
the rest worst, get card 10, change the rule to the person being mated/chained need to drink x2, x3,x4 in the end x6.
then worst part, i tio chained, zhiwei open black 5, means he drink 5 times, i drink
5 x 6 = 30 = 3 cup..
Moral of the story, tio mated by him = fked up. lol
kidding.. actually true but the fun one.
Everyone very high sia..
EugeneL - keep on laugh only, like free one.
Angie - Talk nonsense, say how she wishes she can fly.
Rebecca - Talk less, but walk a lot, can't describe how she walk, but definitely far from straight. lol
Shall not go in too much details :)
Photos will be upload soon :D
Slack until 5am++
Walk from henderson waves to harbour front centre Mac
6am, reached there but very suay,
Due to maintenance, We will Open at 6.30am
Out of so many days, why today? lol
Waited outside, once the door opened, we all chiong inside.
Achievement Unlocked : First customer of Harbour Front Centre Mac.
Hahaha... after breakfast, Trained back and sleep..slack..whole day..until now..
:) Cheers To the Steady Mania. Hahaha